Paralysis is a localised or generalized, partial or complete, temporary or permanent loss of muscle function in a part of your body. Localised paralysis affects only one part of the body. Generalised paralysis is a condition that affects multiple body parts. In Ayurveda Paralysis is considered as Pakshaghata Roga (One Among the main Vata Vyadhis). A problem with the nervous system causes paralysis. Strokes and Spinal Cord Injuries are the top causes of Paralysis. Certain causes which leads to Paralysis are Ischemia and Haemorrhage in the brain. Paralysis is classified into different types based on the part of body affected. They are:
- Monoplegia- Affects one Arm or Leg.
- Hemiplegia-Affectsoneleg and arm on the same side of body.
- Paraplegia- Affects both of your legs.
- Quadriplegia – Affects both legs and arms.
- Pizhichil – Complete body massage using medicated oils
- Snehapana – Internal administration of medicated ghee or oil
- Swedana – Patra pottali / Navarakizhi - Sudation
- Virechana –Medicated Purgation
- Nasya – Instillation of Nasal drops
- Shirodhara – Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead
- Shirovasti – Retention of medicated oil on the head
- Vasti – Medicated Enema
- Helps in strengthening the nervous systems.
- Stiffness/ spasticity/ flaccidity of muscles will be corrected.
- Muscle tone and movements will be improved.
Facial or Bell’s Palsy is condition that causes weakness or paralysis of facial muscles typically just on one side of the face mainly due to damage of 7th cranial (Facial) nerve. Arditavata is Vataja disease, where aggravated Vata takesits place in the half of the face (Mukhaardhabhaga) leading to disease known as Arditavata. Difficulty in speaking, eating or drinking, Drooling, Dry eyes, Ear pain, Sensitivity to sounds, Tinnitus are common most common symptoms in the individuals with facial palsy condition.
- Kukkutanda Nimba Sweda - Sudation using Egg yolk and lemon.
- Abhyanga- Facial massage
- Nasyam- Instillation of medicated Nasal drops.
- KarnaPooranam-Instillation of medicated oil into ear.
- Shirovasti – Retention of medicated oil on the head.
- Facial nerve stimulation will be done using Nasya.
- Localised Vata will be corrected.
- Facial muscle deviation, neighbouring muscles affected will be corrected.
A migraine is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or pulsing sensation usually on one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities. The four stages of migraine which may or may not be found in everyone are Prodrome, Aura Attack and Postdrome. Symptoms include depression, fatigue, Irritability, tingling sensation in face, arms or legs, observing light flashes or bright spots, Nausea, Feeling faint, vomiting.
Migraine is referred to as Suryavartha sirashula which means the aggravation of pain with light and heat.
- Nasya: Instillation of medicated Nasal drops.
- Virechana: Medicated Purgation
- Siropichu: Retention of Medicated oil in the head using a small cotton patch.
- Shirodhara: Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead
- Vasti : Medicated enema
- Helps in reducing the frequency of episodes of migraine attacks.
- Detoxifies the gut and eliminates the toxins from the body.
- Calms and soothes the nerves in the brain.
- Corrects the symptoms from its core.
Hyper pigmentation refers to patches of skin that become darker than the surrounding areas of skin. Burns, bruises, acne, rashes or other trauma to skin can cause it to produce more melanin and lead to dark spots. Common cause for hyper pigmentation is excess production of melanin which is a pigment that gives skin its colour.Hyper pigmentation is obvious in areas of skin exposed to skin such as face, neck and hands, in the areas of friction such as elbows and knees. Melasma is a common condition noticed in females who have pitta dosha abnormality. Any condition related to the skin will have Brajaka pitta involvement. Correction of pitta vitiation in the body helps in major correction of Hyperpigmentation conditions. Impurities in the blood also results in hyperpigmentation of the skin.
- Virechana – Medicated Purgation
- Mukha Abhyanga– Medicated facial massage
- Mukha Varnyakara Chikitsa – Medicated Face glow treatment.
- Nasya - Instillation of medicated Nasal drops.
- Impurities in the blood will be eliminated.
- Colour and complexion of the skin will be restored.
- Rejuvenation of the skin tissue occurs.
Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages. Acne signs may depend on the severity of conditions:-
- White heads (closed plugged pores)
- Black heads (open plugged pores)
- Papules (small red, tender bumps)
- Pimples (which are papules with pus at their tips)
- Cystic lesions (Painful, Pus-filled lumps under skin)
Acne usually appears on face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. In Ayurveda Acne is called as Yavanapidika or Mukhadushika. Kapha and pitta vitiation is considered to be one of the main causative factors. The vitiated doshas cause accumulation of impurities in the blood which in turn reflects on the unhealthy condition of the skin.
- Vamana - Medicated vomiting
- Virechana – Medicated Purgation
- Raktamokshana – Blood-letting using leeches.
- Excess oil production gets controlled on the facial skin.
- Excess sebum production will be stopped.
- Blood impurities will be removed.
- Frequency and recurrence of any skin problem related to acne, white heads, black heads , will be stopped to a greater extent.
Hair loss refers to a loss of hair from head or part of body. It is also known as Alopecia (patchy hair loss) or Baldness (complete hair loss). Typically in majority of the cases head is involved. Symptoms include hair loss in patches usually circular, density reduced, sparsity of hairs, dandruff, skin lesions and scaring.
Dandruff is a skin condition affecting the scalp. Symptoms mainly include itchy scalp and flakiness.
Hair loss is referred to as Khalithya where vata and pitta causes hairfall, kapha and rakta obstructs the hair roots resulting in no regrowth of hair there by making hairfall gradual or slow.Hairfall may also occurrs due to Thyroid, Acidity, Pcod, stress etc factors.
Darunaka(Dandruff) is a condition where dried skin of scalp fall in small pieces, causes loss of sensitivity and hairloss. Vitiated vata and kaphadosa deranges the skin of scalp and changes into dry rough with itching sensation and pain. Psoriasis may also results in a condition called as Scalp psoriasis which resemble similar to Dandruff.
- Nasya: Instillation of medicated Nasal drops.
- Virechana: Medicated Purgation.
- Siropichu: Retention of Medicated oil in the head using a small cotton patch.
- Shirodhara: Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead.
- Takradhara – Pouring of medicated buttermilk on the forehead.
- Raktamokshana – Blood Letting.
- Helps in controlling the hairfall.
- If the hairfall is due to associated conditions, that disease is treated.
- Hairfall regeneration takes place.
- Vitiated blood in the hairfollicles causing the hairfall is removed.
- Dryness and flakiness is corrected.
Eye sees images with help of mind but not by eye itself. Out of all disorders or diseases of eye existing, the most common ones are the various visual disturbances like Refractive errors, Cataract, Diabetic retinopathy etc.
Refractive errors include Myopia (Short sighted), Hypermetropia (Long sightedness), Astigmatism, Aphakia (Absence of crystalline lens) with symptoms likely to be blurred vision, defective vision, half shutting of eyes for clear vision, observing blue and red images.
Cataract normally refers to development of opacity in the lens with presentation like blurred vision, cloudy appearance, inability to see in dim light, vision loss etc.
Vision disturbances are classified under Dristigatharogas as per Ayurveda with symptoms like objects appearing irregular, red or blue or mixed colours, oily appearance etc.
- AkshiTharpana - Application of medicated oil by constructing a bridge around the eyes.
- Anjana– Application of medicated collyrium to the internal surface of the eye margin.
- Seka – Instillation of medicated oil in to the eyes.
- Aschyotana – Instillation of medicated juices or decoction in to the eyes.
- Pindi – Application of medicated paste on the cloth and placed over the eyes.
- Bidalaka – Application of medicated paste on the eye lids.
- Helps to strengthen the optic nerve.
- Causative factor of the disease is treated.
- Lubrication of the eyes is restored.
- Improves the vision and complexion of the eyes.
- Provides relaxation to the eyes.
Cervical Spondylosis is the natural wearing down of cartilage, discs, ligaments and bones in your neck. It is a general term age related wear and tear in the cervical spine (neck) that can lead to neck pain, neck stiffness and other complications. Other factors like Bone spurs (Extra bone growth), dehydrated spinal discs, Herniated discs, disc bulges, Injury, Ligament stiffness can cause cervical Pain. In Ayurveda this condition is correlated with Greeva Shula/ Greeva Vata.
- Pizhichil - Massage
- Patra pinda sweda -Sudation using herbal leaves.
- Shastika shali pinda sweda – Sudation using Navara rice.
- Nasya – Instillation of nasal drops.
- Greeva vasti – Retention of medicated oil over the neck.
- Shirovasti – Retention of medicated oil on the head.
Agni karma Chikitsa: Thermal cautery - Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief from pain and helps in quick relief.
- Helps in relieving the inflammation in the disc region.
- Compression of the nerves round the disc will be relieved.
- Provides hydration to the disc cartilage thereby correcting the dehydration.
- Lubrication to the bones is achieved.
Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis involves stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Keeping shoulder still for a long period increases the risk of developing frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder develops in 3 stages
Sl. No | Stage | Complications of shoulder | Duration |
1. | Freezing stage | Pain on movement, limited
range of motion |
2-9 months |
2. | Frozen stage | Pain lowers, stiffness
increases, difficulty in movement |
4-12 months |
3. | Thawing stage | Movement improves | 5-24 months |
In Ayurveda it is considered as Apabahuka. It is a disease that usually affects Amsa sandhi (Shoulder joint) by Vata dosha. Amsa Sosha (Wasting of shoulder) is considered as the starting stage of Apabahuka. Stiffness of joints is caused by dominant Kapha dosha due to which stiffness and pain is increased on cold exposure and at nights.
- Nasya- Instillation of nasal drops.
- Naranga Kizhi – Sudation using lime pieces.
- Patra pinda sweda – Sudation using herbal leaves.
- Ekangadhara – Pouring of medicated oil over affected part.
- Abhyanga- Massage over the affected part.
Agni karma Chikitsa: Thermal Cautery - Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief from pain and helps in quick recovery.
- Stiffness will be relieved.
- Bone degeneration will be corrected.
- Movement of the shoulder will be restored.
- Flexibility of Joints will be improved.
Thyroid gland is a vital endocrine gland which plays an important role in metabolism, growth and development of human body by constantly releasing a steady amount of hormones into blood stream. Major hormones include Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Excess secretion of TSH results in Hypothyroidism and Excess secretion of T3 and T4 results in Hyperthyroidism. Hyper or Hypo secretion of the following hormones lead to many disorders which includes complaints of Goitre, lumps in thyroid gland, swelling of gland, Sudden loss or gain of weight, feeling of tiredness
According to Ayurveda, Vikaras of Mamsavaha srotas often compared to disorders of Thyroid gland like Galaganda, Gandamala etc. Galaganda is a generalised oedema which is chronic enlargement in the form of rounded lumps hanging around the neck region resembling like scrotum. Multiple swellings or lumps of size of a small or big goose berry or fruit of Amalaki occur externally at axilla, shoulders, sides of neck, throat or groin is referred to as Gandamala. Dryness and bad taste of mouth, Pricking pain in throat, Severe Emaciation and Hoarseness of voice are the common manifestations with other specific presentations. Metabolism is compared with Rasavaha Srotas vitiation.
- Vamana – Periodical emesis.
- Virechana – Medicated purgation.
- Nasya – Instillation of nasal drops.
- Udwartana – Massage with medicated powder.
- First and foremost digestive fire is corrected.
- Metabolism is restored.
- Main causative factors for abnormality in T3, T4, TSH levels are taken care of.
- Cellular level energy, absorption and assimilation is improved.
Excess Adiposity and Excess body weight are often referred to as Obesity. Accumulation of body fat may be measured by Triceps skin-fold thickness, mid-arm circumference, waist circumference etc,.
With reference to Body-Mass Index,
Sl. No | BMI Range | Condition |
1. | 18.5-25 kg/m2 | Normal |
2. | 25-30 kg/m2 | Over weight |
3. | Above 30 kg/m2 | Obese |
Factors like Genetic, Behavioural, Metabolic and hormonal influences body weight. More calorie intake than the amount you burn through normal daily activities and exercise stores excess calories as fats.
Obesity is considered as Sthoulya roga. Lack of physical exercise, Enjoying day time sleep, Excessive intake of sweet substances increases formation of Medhodhatu around the Udara (abdomen) as well as around the bones. Thirst, Drowsiness, Foul smelling sweating, Loss of physical strength are common complaints in these individuals.
Obesity and weight management is the major burning issue of current times. This is responsible for the development of many metabolic problems like Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOD. This may also lead to heart conditions like Atherosclerosis, heart attacks, hypertension etc.
- Udavartana- Dry massage with herbal powders.
- Abhyanga – Body massage with medicated oils.
- Swedana- Steam bath / Fomentation.
- Dhanyamla dhara – Pouring of fermented gruel all over the body.
- Vamana / Virechana- Periodical emesis and purgation.
- Lekhana Vasti- Medicated Enema.
- Helps in reducing the clogged and the accumulated fat.
- Toxins accumulated will be eleminated.
- Metabolism is restored.
- Gradual reduction in the body weight will be observed.
- Rapid weight gain will not be seen post panchakarma treatment.
Lumbar Spondylosis is an age related degeneration of vertebrae and discs of lower back. Intervertebral disc provide cushioning between the vertebrae and absorb pressure put on the spine. The discs in spine begin to break down, lose fluid, and become stiff. Bone spurs exert force on lower back, herniated or bulged discs exert pressure on nerves and spinal cord, dehydrated discs leads to bone to bone contact that contributes to lower back pain. Symptoms include back pain, stiffness, muscle spasms in lower back, numbness.
Kati Shula is caused due to aggravation of Vata causing an imbalance in Vata dosha there by leading to a type of arthritis of spine and may lead to disability in the long term. Pain, tingling sensation, numbness, stiffness of the spine are predominantly seen due to aggravated Vata dosha.
- Dhanyamladhara- Pouring specially fermented medicinal gruel over the affected area.
- Abhyanga – Complete body massage with medicated oils.
- Swedana – Formentation.
- Ela kizhi – Sudation using herbal leaves.
- Navarakizhi – Sudation using Navara rice.
- Kati vasti – Retention of medicated oil over lower back.
- Matravasti- Medicated enema.
Agni karma Chikitsa: Thermal cautery - Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief from pain and helps in quick recovery.
- Disc bulge or disc herniation or disc sequestration or disc prolapse will be corrected.
- Nerve compression will be relieved.
- Inflammation in the disc region and nerves will be subsided.
- Hydration will be improved in the discs.
- Bone strength will be improved.
Sciatica refers to radiating pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve which runs down one or both legs in the lower back. Sciatic nerve travels from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg.It is usually caused when a herniated disc or bone spur in the spine presses on the nerve. Inflammation, pain, numbness, tingling sensation and muscle weakness are the commonest symptoms in the affected leg.
Sciatica is correlated with the disease Gridhrasi in Ayurveda. As the patient walks like Gridhra (Eagle), it is named as Gridhrasi. It is considered to be an important Vata vyadhi characterised by stiffness, pain and pricking sensation initially at the hip and gradually towards waist, back, thigh, knee and calf region with frequent pulsation at these sites.
- Abhyanga – Massage.
- Patra Pottali Swedam – Sudation using herbal leaves.
- Kati Vasti – Retention of medicated oil on the lower back.
- Matra Vasti- Medicated enema.
Agni karma Chikitsa: Thermal cautery – Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief from pain and helps in quick recovery.
- Agni Karma provides instant relief from the painful condition.
- Compression of sciatic nerve will be reduced.
- Reduction in the radiating pain towards one side of the leg.
- Sciatica is a completely curable condition through Panchakarma treatment.
Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of joint disease characterised by the progressive erosion of articular cartilage which alters biochemical and metabolic conditions in individuals. Characteristic symptoms include deep achy pain that worsens with use, morning stiffness, Crepitus and limitation of range of movement in the joints. Joints commonly involved are Hips, knees, Lower lumbar and cervical vertebrae, Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints of fingers, First carpometacarpal joints, and first tarsometatarsal joints of the feet.
Ayurveda considers osteoarthritis as Vataja problem. Degeneration of cartilage and bones takes place as the Vata increases leading to depletion of Kapha (Nutrition). Excess vata dosha leads to dryness in the bones leading to reduced density and porosity of the bones.
- Sarvanga dhara- Pouring of medicated liquids or oils.
- Snehapana – Internal administration of medicated ghee or oils.
- Swedana – Fomentation or sudation.
- Virechana – Medicated purgation.
- Janu vasti / Kati vasti - Retention of medicated oil over the affected area.
- Anuvasana vasti / Matra vasti – Medicated enema.
AGNI KARMA CHIKITSA: THERMAL CAUTERY – Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief from pain and helps in quick recovery.
- Regeneration of cartilage tissue takes place.
- Lubrication is increased between the bones and joints.
- Bone mineral density will be increased.
- Calcium absorption and assimilation will be improved.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an Auto immune disorder producing a non suppurative proliferative and inflammatory synovitis that often progresses to destruction of articular cartilage and ankylosis of joints. It may affect many other organs like skin, blood vessels, lungs, heart and muscles. Morning stiffness, tenderness, warmth, swelling, loss of appetite, nodules under the skin are the major symptoms in patients.
Amavata is a condition linked not only to joint disorder but to weakness of digestive fire and formation of poisonous and harmful content called as Ama. Morbid association of Ama with aggravated vata dosha gives rise to a very critical and chronic disease known as Amavata. Pain, swelling and stiffness of joints, difficult to move are symptoms of Amavata. Auto immune condition in Ayurveda is strongly believed to associate with the imbalance of digestive fire and due to consumption of Viruddha ahara (Non-Compatible foods).
- Snehapana – Interal administration of medicated ghee or oils.
- Virechana- Medicated purgation.
- Vasti- Medicated enema.
- Dhanyamla dhara – Pouring of fermented gruel.
- Naranga kizhi – Sudation using lemon.
- Digestive fire will be restored.
- Accumulated toxins will be eliminated from the cellular level.
- Inflammation in the joints will be reduced.
- Immune power will be restored resulting in prevention of all the symptoms symptoms.
Gout is marked by the sudden painful and inflammatory arthritic attack which gets worse by time due to deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints. Gout usually occurs in only one joint often in big toe. Intense pain, swelling, redness and warmth are the most common symptoms of these individuals. In Ayurveda, this condition is called as Vata Rakta. It is considered that due to indulgence of excess vata aggravating factors, aggrevated vata vitiates the blood in circulation and resulting in accumulation of toxins in the joints.
- Virechana – Purgation.
- Vasti – Medicated Enema.
- Abhyanga – Massage
- Kizhi – Fomenatation with herbal powders or leaves.
- Increased vata will be subsided.
- Accumulated toxins will be eliminated.
- Inflammation in the joints will be reduced.
- Causative factor of the disease is corrected from the root level.
Varicose veins are abnormally dilated, tortuous veins produced by prolonged, increased intraluminal pressure and loss of vessel wall support. Superficial veins of upper and lower legs are typically involved. Long standing and walking increase the pressure in the veins of lower body causing itching pain, burning sensation, swelling in lower legs, Dark blue or purple, twisted and bulged veins appear like chords on legs.
‘Granthi’ means 'knot', where accumulation of vitiated dhatu or dosha happens. Here in varicose veins, impure blood gets accumulated in the veins. Hence this condition is called as Siraja Granthi. Vata gets aggravated in people who are weak, indulging in excessive physical exercise which invades network of veins and its wall which increases roughness, elevated, quick developing and round swelling of veins.
- Abhyanga – Massage
- Virechana – Purgation
- Vasti – Medicated Enema
- Raktamokshana – Blood letting
- Jaluka Avacharana – Leech Therapy
- Massage treatment helps in reducing the localised Vata in the veins.
- Impure blood will be eliminated with the help of blood-letting or leech treatment.
- Proper Blood circulation will be restored.
Calcaneal spur is a bony growth that develops around the heel bone, often causing by ill-fitting shoes, and sometimes causing pain. Most common sites of spurs are back of the heel or under the sole.
The term 'Padakantaka' refers to thorn like pricking pain in the feet. It is a calcium growth around the ligaments and tendons of the foot, growth will be starting from the bone towards the flesh of the foot. This is caused due to excess Vata resulting from long standing and repeated strenuous activity.
- Snehapana – Intake of Medicated Ghee or Oil.
- Virechana – Purgation.
- Abhyanga – Massage.
- Ela Kizhi – fomentation using Medicated Leaves.
- Massage helps in reducing the localised pricking pain.
- Swelling and inflammation will be reduced.
- Proper bone density and growth will be restored.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein located deep inside body. Deep vein blood clots typically form in thigh or lower legs. Symptoms include leg pain, swelling, cramps or soreness in calf, Reddish or purple discolouration.
- Kashaya Dhara- Pouring of Medicated Decoctions.
- Niruha Vasti – Medicated Enema using Decoctions.
- Rooksha Swedana – Dry Fomentation.
- Reduces the clot size by breaking it and preventing it to enter into blood circulation.
- Reduction in the symptoms like swelling, pain, weakness etc.
Psoriasis is a long-lasting, non-contagious autoimmune disease characterised by raised areas of abnormal skin. This disease is also categorized under psychosomatic condition. The most common sites are knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Dry, thick and raised patches on the skin are most common signs of psoriasis. Excess intake of alcohol, lack of exposure to sun-light, stress, cold weather, obesity, wounds causes flaring up of disease.
Kithiba Kushta is often referred to as psoriasis in which lesions resemble blackish brown colour, rough on touch like scar of wound, hard and dry in nature. Lesions appear as scales of fish and devoid of sweating. Kapha and Vata dosha are considered to be predominant.
- Snehana -Intake of medicated ghee or oil.
- Swedana – Complete body fomentation.
- Vamana – Periodical Emesis.
- Virechana – Medicated Purgation.
- Abhyanga – Complete body massage.
- Takradhara – Pouring of medicated butter milk on the forehead.
- Shirodhara – Pouring of medicated ghee or oil on the forehead.
- Raktamokshana – Bloodletting.
- Snehapana reduces the dryness and flakiness of the skin.
- Toxins accumulated in the body will be eliminated with the help of vamana and virechana.
- Impurities in the blood will be expelled with the help of blood-letting.
- Normal complexion and texture of the skin will be restored.
- Recurrence will be restored.
- Shirodhara and Takradhara helps in managing the stress and dryness of the skin respectively.
Atopic dermatitis or Eczema is a condition that causes dry, itchy and inflamed skin. It is common in young children but can occur at any age and tend to flare sometimes. People with atopic dermatitis are at risk of developing food allergies, hay fever and asthma. Dry, Itchy and swelling of skin are commonly observed. Thick, leathery patches and sometimes bumps are also additional manifestations.
Vicharchika can be correlated to Eczema with symptoms of skin showing red rashes, intense itching, often blue discolouration associated with discharge sometimes. Painful, dry and mild to moderate itching lesions are also observed in some individuals.
- Virechana – Medicated Purgation
- Vamana – Medicated Emesis.
- Raktamokshana – Bloodletting.
- Lepa – External Application of medicated paste.
- Excess Histamines which causes itching will be eliminated with the help of Vamana.
- Frequency and intensity of Flare-ups is reduced.
- Impurities in the blood will be expelled with the help of blood-letting.
- Skin cellular tissue will be properly repaired.
- Discolouration of the skin is corrected.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder that affects gastrointestinal system. It is a chronic condition which is needed to be managed on long term. Cramping, Abdominal pain, bloating, gas and diarrhoea or constipation or both are the most common symptoms of the individuals suffering with IBS. Diarrhea at night, Rectal bleeding and unexplained vomiting are symptoms in chronic conditions.
In Ayurveda it is explained due to diminution of digestive fire resulting in improper digestion of foods resulting in elimination of uncooked foods.
- Deepana + Pachana – Correction of Digestive fire.
- Takra Vasti – Medicated Enema with Buttermilk.
- Shirodhara - Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead.
- Virechana – Purgation.
- Digestive fire is corrected.
- Proper absorption and assimilation of the food is restored.
- IBS –C / IBS- D – Constipation or diarrhoea is managed resulting in normal elimination.
- Gut Flora is corrected.
Tennis elbow also known as lateral epicondylitis is a condition in which the outer part of elbow becomes painful and tender and pain may extend into forearm. The condition is raised due to excessive use of muscles of back of the forearm which is classically found in individuals involved in racquet sports. Symptoms include pain on the outer part of elbow, tenderness, and restricted wrist extension.
- Abhyanga – Localised Massage.
- Nadi Sweda – Fomentation
- Ela Kizhi – Sudation with leaves.
- Naranga Kizhi – Fomation using Lemon.
- Kukkutanda Pinda Sweda – Fomentation with Eggyfolk.
- Lepa / Upanaha – Poultice.
- Muscle inflammation in the local area is reduced.
- Stiffness of the muscles, tendons and ligaments will be relieved.
- Flexibity will be improved.
- Muscle strength and tone will be regained.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease termed as GERD is one of upper gastrointestinal chronic diseases where stomach content persistently and regularly flows up into oesophagus which is due to poor closure of lower oesophageal sphincter. Acid reflux can lead to burning pain in the chest and can move to neck and throat. Other symptoms like nausea, pain on swallowing, cough and bad breath are also observed.
Amlapitta is a commonly encountered disease of Annavaha srotas. Prakrita pitta is pungent or bitter in taste. Vidagdha pitta is sour in taste. The pitta which has developed abnormal or sour taste is called Amlapitta. Cardinal features of Amla pitta are Avipaka (Indigestion), Hritkantha Daha (Heart and throat burn), Tikta Amlodgara (Sour and bitter belching).
- Virechana – Medicated purgation.
- Vamana – Medicated Emesis.
- Vasti – Medicated Enema.
- Excess Bile and mucus will be eliminated through Vamana and Virechana procedures.
- Proper digestive fire is restored.
- Belchings, burning sensation, pain in the epigastric region etc. symptoms will be subsided besubsided.
Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves. Onsets of symptoms are slow in nature. Tremors are most common symptoms. Tremors, slowness in movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture and imbalance, loss of automatic movements, speech changes are progressive changes in symptoms of in these individuals. It is called as Kampa Vata in Ayurveda. Dopamine Deficiency is witnessed in this condition.
- Nasya – Instillation of nasal drops.
- Snehapana – Intake of medicated ghee or oils.
- Abhyanga – Massage.
- Swedana – Fomentation.
- Shirodhara – Pouring of medicated ghee or oils on the forehead.
- Shirovasti – Retention of medicated oil on the head.
- Majjaksheeravasti – Medicated Enema.
- Shirodhara helps in calming the nerves in the brain thereby correcting the dopamine secretion.
- Nasya provides nervous strength.
- Vata dosha is addressed as it is the prime cause of this disease.
- Muscle tone and muscle power will be improved.
- Tremors will be reduced.
- This disease can be managed and the symptoms can be cured basing on the chronicity and severity.
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or posture. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to immature, developing brain, most often before birth.
Sl. No | Defect of | Symptoms |
1. | Movement and co-
ordination. |
Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes,
Variations in muscle tone, Stiff muscles with normal reflexes, Tremors |
2. | Speech and eating | Delay in speech development, difficulty
speaking, excessive drooling. |
3. | Development | Delay in attaining milestones, Learning
difficulties and intellectual disabilities. |
4. | Others | Seizures, difficulty hearing, Vision and
abnormal eye movements etc. |
- Abhyanga – Massage.
- Nasya – Instillation of nasal drops.
- Shiropichu- Placing of cotton swab dipped in medicated oil on the centre of the head.
- Shirodhara – Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead.
- Navarakizhi – Sudation using navara rice.
- Vasti – Medicated Enema.
- Speech will be improved.
- Normal muscular movement will be restored.
- Nervous system is strenthened.
- Improvement in walking, postures, responses etc. can be noticed.
Glucose is an important source of energy for cells that make up muscles and tissues and main source of fuel to brain. Insulin secreted by pancreas moves sugar from blood into cells. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that occurs either when pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when body cannot effectively use produced insulin. Hyperglycaemia is a condition of high blood sugar, a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and leads to serious damage to many body systems especially nerves and blood vessels.
Sl. No | Type of diabetes | |
1. | Type 1 diabetes(Insulin-
dependent, Juvenile or childhood Diabetes) |
Deficient insulin production and
requires daily administration of insulin. |
2. | Type 2 diabetes(Non- Insulin
dependent) |
Ineffective use of insulin. |
3. | Gestational diabetes | Occurs during pregnancy. |
Sedentary life style, Lack of physical activity, Improper diet and regimen etc may hamper the activity of beta cells of pancreas which produce insulin and manifest symptoms like increased frequency of urination, feeling of thirst, increased appetite, delayed wound healing, burning sensation in palms and soles.
Diabetes is referred to as Prameha can develop as a result of
- Dhatukshaya- Loss of dhatus or tissues in the body.
- Avarana- Blockage of pathways or channels in the body (due to increased kaphadosa).
- Udwartana – Massage using dry powder.
- Takradhara – Pouring of medicated buttermilk over forehead.
- Vamana – Periodical emesis.
- Virechana – Medicated purgation.
- Basti- Medicated Enema.
- Blockage of channels or pathways will be removed.
- Insulin production and absorption will be corrected.
- Cellular level metabolism will be secured.
- Proper glucose absorption takes place.
Asthma is a long term condition affecting children and adults where air passages in lungs narrow due to inflammation and tightening of muscles around respiratory airway making it difficult to breathe. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, pain in chest, wheezing sounds during breathing, trouble sleeping. Symptoms are intermittent and often worsen at night. Triggering of symptoms and intensity of attack vary from person to person like exposure to cold, dust, smoke, fumes, tree pollen, perfumes.
Asthma is caused due to imbalanced Kapha and Pitta dosha with symptoms like wheezing, coughing, fever and irritability. Vitiated Kapha increases in the body lodges in the lungs and alveoli resulting in blockages and improper oxygen supply.
- Snehana – Intake of medicated ghee or oils.
- Swedana – Complete body formation.
- Vamana – Periodical Emesis.
- Virechana – Medicated Purgation.
- Excess accumulated phlegm / mucopolysacchrides will be expelled out through vamana and Virechana procedures.
- Blockages in the respiratory will be cleared.
- Proper breathing will be restored.
PCOD is a condition where woman ovaries produce immature or partially mature follicles in large numbers and over the time becomes cysts in ovaries which leads to infertility, irregular menstrual cycle etc. Common symptoms of PCOD include irregular menstruation (Oligomenorrhoea), skipped menstruation (Amenorrhea), Heavy menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia), Acne, Weight gain, Male pattern hair growth (Hirsutism), blackish discolouration of the skin (Acanthosis Nigricans) and hairfall. Known causes of PCOD are excess insulin and androgen production, imbalance in the FSH and LH secretion, obesity, stress, low grade inflammation, thyroid disorders and hereditary factors etc.
Though PCOD presents as a gynaecological problem, it is actually a metabolism problem occurring mostly due to the abnormalities in the diet and lifestyle. Now-a-days we can witness 1 in 10 women suffering with PCOD.
- Udawartana – Massage using dry powder.
- Takradhara – Pouring of medicated buttermilk over forehead.
- Vamana – Periodical Emesis.
- Virechana – Medicated Purgation.
- Basti / UttaraBasti – Medicated Enema.
- Metabolism will be corrected.
- Abnormal hormone secretion will be taken care of.
- Menstrual Cycle will be regularised.
- Proper growth of follicles and dissolution of existing cysts happen.
- Counselling is done for the patients with stress.
Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected and regular sexual intercourse involving male and female partner. Males (20-25%), Females (20- 25%) or both (25-30%) contribute to infertility cases. Causes of male infertility include defects of sperm production, delivery of sperm, smoking, alcohol intake, drug abuse and infections. Ovulation disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, abnormalities of cervix, polyps in uterus, fallopian tube damage or blockage, early menopause, infections etc. are causes in female infertility. Infertility is called as Vandhya in Ayurveda.
- Vamana – Periodical Emesis.
- Virechana – Medicated purgation.
- Basti – Medicated Enema.
- Uttara Basti – Enema through the Vaginal / Urethral orifice.
- Nasya – Instillation of nasal drops.
- Snehapana – Intake of medicated ghee or oils.
- Shirodhara – Pouring of medicated ghee or oils on the forehead.
- Semen abnormality like semen count, mobility, morphology will be corrected.
- Proper ovulation is restored.
- Preparation of uterus for proper implantation is done
- Blockages in the fallopian tubes will be corrected.
- Complete detoxification in male and female partner is advised for the production of good qualitative sperm and ovum respectively.
- Factors required for natural way of conception is adviced.
Contact Us for All Your Health Related Queries!
Flat no 301, Black Square Apartments,
Hi-tech city main road, Kavuri hills,
Jubilee hills, Madhapur, Hyderabad- 500033