What Is Vamana Karma and What Are Its Benefits?


vamana karma


An integral part of panchakarma treatment, Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine that focuses
on both preventive as well as curative aspects. It includes herbal medication, yoga, panchakarma etc.

Vamana karma is one of the five Pradhana karmas of Panchakarma which is a potent cleaning &
detoxification procedure.

According to ayurvedic science, the human body is constituted of three fundamental humors i.e Vata,
Pitta & Kapha which carry out all the functions of the body. Vaman karma is mainly performed for
vitiated Kapha. It works on over burdened toxins potent enough to create pathology for disease
predominantly of respiratory & gastrointestinal tract.



First Deepana – Pachana (Digestive stimulant and digestive medication) are given to improve

In the second phase, sneha dravyas are given internally (oleation therapy). The dosage and duration
depends on persons Agni bala (digestive power) & Deha bala (physical strength)

In the next phase external oleation therapies given using suitable oils (Abhyanga or massage therapy)
Specific diet is advised during the whole procedure.

On the day of therapy (main procedure): Vamana emetic drug Madana phala is given on an empty

Mode of action of Vamana dravyas:


Emetic drugs pass the qualities like Tikshana (Irritating), Ushna (Hot), Sushma (Deep penetrating),
vyavayi (spreading) These drugs act by their potency. It breaks the hard masses of toxins.
Toxins which are more already softened by oleation therapy, moves towards the stomach from
channels without any further adherence as these toxins are expelled through mouth by the emesis



A) Preventive
Human body stores many toxins due to seasonal changes and improves lifestyle, which is the root
cause of most disease like increase of Kapha (phlegm) in respiratory system, increase of cholesterol
ayurvedic science advices to cleanses the body according to season (Ritu Shodana) according to
which vitiated cough should be cleaned during spring season (Vasant ritu) to remove the toxins from
upper respiratory tract, stomach, oesophageal, duodenum and all nasal sinuses.

B) Curative
Vamana karma is mainly given in Kapha diseases in conditions in which pitta pollutes the Kapha
place. Diseases like asthma, allergies, skin disease, poor digestion and obesity are well treated by
Vamana karma.

Changes after Vamana procedure:

● Body becomes lighter
● Capacity of lungs improves
● Improves cardiac activity
● Improves quality of sleep
● Reduces fat percentage in the body
● Relief of poor digestion and hyperacidity there by increasing appetite
● Reduces physical & mental stress.



Vamana is very beneficial for Kapha and Kapha Pitta constitution and patient suffering from Kapha
diseases and associated Pitta diseases originating in the place of Kapha.

In the present era, due to blind imitation of western culture and increased urbanization and pollution,
our body is exposed to several toxins. Some toxic accumulate and may lodged in our channels and
organs. In this condition detoxification is must for achieving healthy body and to boost our immune
system. This deep cleansing of channels and organs can be achieved by Vamana therapy.
Vamana therapy eliminates the toxins from the body.

Samyak shuddhi of Vamana Karma leads to clarity of thought, strength of sense organs, stability of
body tissues, improvement of appetite and digestive power and delaying of ageing.
It should be practiced as per the classical guidelines and under supervision to avoid complications.

Thus Vamana is a safe and fruitful panchakarma treatment when performed under observation
methodically it is a well bio-cleaning process which probably eliminates fat soluble toxins substance
from the body

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