Karkidaka Chikitsa Treatment
Ritu Charya (Seasonal Diet & Regimen) has been given significant value in Ayurveda. It is mentioned in Ayurveda that basing on the seasons, diet and regimen has to be followed accordingly to prevent diseases and maintenance of Health. Seasons are catogerized into two types – Uttarayana and Dakshinayana on the basis of the movement of the sun. Uttarayana (Upward movement of the sun) is divided into three seasons - Shishira (Mid Jan - Mid March), Vasantha (Mid-March -Mid May), Grishma (Mid May - Mid July). During these seasons, intensity of the sun will be more; hence it will be more depleting in energy and strength. Dakshinayana (Downward movement of the sun) is divided into three seasons - Varsha (Mid July– Mid Sept), Sharath (Mid Sept - Mid Nov) & Hemantha ritu (Mid Nov - Mid Jan). During these seasons, intensity of the sun starts reducing gradually from varsha ritu and gets colder by the end of Hemantha ritu; hence it will be more enhancing in energy and strength.
Karkidaka Masa (Karkidaka Month) falls from Mid-July to Mid-August. It comes under the part of rainy season. During this season, transition in the intensity of the sun takes place. Temperature change happens from hot climate to humid rainy climate. Because of cold rains, Heavy clouds, cold weather, humid conditions, contamination of food, water etc., and digestive system may get weaker due to decreased digestive power. This disrupts the balance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), causes the excess accumulation of toxins in the body. Immune power gets deranged, chances of infections, fever, respiratory diseases like cold, cough, Asthma etc., remain high. Hence to overcome the health challenges during this month and to increase the immunity “Karkidaka Chikitsa” is widely practiced. This is widely popular in southern parts of India especially Kerala due to excess humid conditions.

This Karkidaka Chikitsa (Monsson Treatment) is one among our specialized services which include diet regimen, lifestyle modifications, Ayurvedic medications and Panchakarma treatments. This treatment helps in bringing the balance in tridoshas, eliminates the toxins, restores the digestive power and works as both therapeutic and rejuvenative measure for the general well-being. This can be considered as an organic way of preventing diseases and extending the quality, longevity of life.
Phase of Karkidaka Chikitsa
1. Dietary regimen:- To maintain a strategic distance from certain unsafe impacts of environmental change, it is important to pursue a particular dietary pattern. These strict dietary routine and lifestyle changes will revitalize the immunity and eliminate the imbalances.
2. Karkidaka Oushada Peya (Medicated Gruel):- is one of the popular recipe in kerala and is administered during this month for 7-14 days. This gruel is made of 10 sacred medicated flowers/ Dashamoola/ other medicated herbs and spices. There are various recipes provided for gruel preparation which is administered basing on the patient condition.
3. Ten Leaves Curry: - The medicated gruel is usually served with ten leaves curry which are rich in anti-oxidants, mineral salts, iron, vitamins, and proteins which will revive immune system.

4. By using these oushadha peya and its adjuvants the intestinal mobility for flawless digestion will improve and it will ensure the expulsion of toxins accumulated in the body.
5. Internal Medications: - Ayurvedic medicines which help in reducing the seasonal vata effect and immunity boosters etc. are advised basing on the prakruti (constitution) of
the patient and logical thinking of the physician.
6. External Treatments:- Massage (Abhyanga) is done to the whole body and head, Kizhi (potali sweda Fomentation), Pizhichil (kayaseka), Vasti (enema) etc. treatments are also done according to the patient condition.
Therefore Karkidaka chikitsa is a holistic approach which helps to clean the bodily channels, improve the oxygenation of cells, stimulates the energy points, flushes out the toxins thereby, improving the health